Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yesterday, I visited Connetquot Elementary School in East Islip, NY. I held two assemblies about BULA. In the assembly, I compared life in America and Uganda, told the kids about what BULA has done and will do, and show3e them the video of the school construction. The kids loved it!

They asked so many interesting questions. Hands were raised throughout the Q&A time and by the end we had to unfortunately cut off many questions as we ran out of time.

I loved sharing this with the kids and loved hearing their very thoughtful questions. The kids asked me things like "How did you feel after you built the school?" - "What did the kids think of you when they first saw you?" - "How did you get all the materials to build the school?" and loads more.

I told them about the art exchange program we are doing and they are all excited to take part.

I hope to continue to visit schools, holding assemblies for the entire school, speaking in individual classrooms or in whatever format is available. It was so much fun and I think the kids gained a better understanding of what life is like elsewhere around the world. Most importantly, they were exposed to the possibilities that are out there for them. They can do anything they put their mind to!

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